Hello, I'm a passionate software developer from Kokkola!

Nooa Kronqvist,


Who am I?

I'm studying information processing science at the University of Oulu. I am passionate about learning and personal growth, and I have a strong enthusiasm for software development. I enjoy going for long runs because they allow me to relieve stress and clear my mind. I also enjoy reading and playing the piano. 🎹

My projects


2021 + 2022 | City of Kokkola
I spent four months as an IT Support Specialist for Kokkola's IT department. Got hands-on experience with system administration, learned project management basics, and sharpened my troubleshooting and communication skills.

B.Sc Thesis

My Bachelor's thesis explores LoRa and LoRaWAN technologies and their potential applications in information systems. It is written in Finnish. You can read my thesishere.

All my links

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